Our DeFi page is a free feature that every BiLira member can benefit from. It is a page prepared entirely in Turkish for you to discover decentralized finance (DeFi) . Further, the features of DeFi protocols are explained in detail with videos.

The page consists of three main headings: Trading, Cryptocurrency Markets and Asset Management:

1- Trading: These are platforms that allow you to exchange your BiLira or ERC20 assets in your wallet with different ERC20 assets without the need for any intermediaries. Using these platforms, you can provide liquidity with your BiLira or other ERC20 assets in your wallet.

2-  Cryptocurrency Markets: These are platforms that allow the monitoring of the different rate of returns provided by various crypto assets, giving you an opportunity to invest smartly. 

3- Asset Management: Platforms that offer automatic clearing and investment opportunities through your BiLira or other ERC20 assets 

In addition to the "Go to Application" button next to each DeFi protocol, we also have a “Watch” button that leads you to our videos that explain how the protocol works and how you can benefit from using it.

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